Saturday, June 21, 2008

My Birthday series 1 and 2

Yep, there's a series to my birthday, since I celebrated it 2 times. Actually 3 times. One with Raty, 2nd time with Bai, Raty n Iman, n third time with my family. Oh wait, there's a four celebration. One more time with my whole big family which includes my uncles, aunties and cousins...lucky, eh? Hahahah...kidding.
So, on 17th June, sblm sy pg ke TJ where I'm supposed to meet Raty, sy terlupak byk benda kat rmh, disebabkan berebut glk. So terlupak perfum, hp (yg ada camera, benda ya la plg sy regret sbb nk ambk gmbr bah! Grr...), & jam. I try not to show my moodiness dpn mak sy sbb sy mala nganok drk lam palak psl terlupak hp camera ya. tulah da. rsa nak nangis bla fkr ya dow, xpat gmbr. hahaha...N then tiba2 tek mak sy pggl sy, mdh "Happy Birthday." and hulurkan RM100 n alu terukir senyuman kat bibir. hahaha..alu ilang mood...ceh.

So, dah sampe tek, Raty & I jln2 tpt biasa, Parkson-SP-TJ. First, we had our lunch at TJ's food court, where I ate sizzling mee (rindu bah, tp x terabis...haha) and Raty took nasi campur. Dah abis mkn tek, we walked to Parkson & tgk crita apa ada kat wyg. We both wanted to watch Kung Fu Panda or Made of Honor. But then Kung Fu Panda xda n made of honor ahe glk. So I called Star n they have Kungfu Panda on 3pm n Hulk on 2.30pm. I also wanted to watch Hulk, but since Kungfu is much more attractive dat time, we decided to watch kunfu then. We jln2 around parkson, ran into these gang of girls (Raty, u noe who) and decided to walk to SP, nk bli DVD (sbb awk jak ya syidah! hahah). I spent RM44 juz for DVD, good God! Abis duit birthday sy...hehe...Anyway, then dlm kol 2.30, we walked to Star cineplex n bought our tikets. Mek org dpt cineplex 2, rsanya n dpt yg besar pun! weee...dah la quite byk juak org so tang happening juak la tgk ciya. Mekorg igt xda org (well, Raty sorg igt xda org glk, coz sy tauk Star akn sentiasa ada org) bcoz ari tok ari selasa n tiket nya RM10 (crita barrk klua bah) but byk juak la org. I thought so...cuz star pun quality is sooo much better. That's why I prefer that place, lalek ngn org pelik2 cia. Kta nk tgk crita, dlm wyg, bknnya dpt tgk org lain pun.
So anyway, the movie was hilarious! I had fun laughing so much. hahah..Po the Panda was sooo cute. And I found Crane's voice (the bangau) was quite sexy too. Hahah, I wonder who voiced it over for the cartoon. I only know there's Jack Black-Po, Angelina Jolie-Tigress, Lucy Liu-Snake, Jackie Chan(yes,the master kungfu himself)-monkey, Robert DeNiro-Master (bkn yg tortoise ya). Crane si bangau ya xtauk sy..n sma la si praying mantis ya. hehe...ok, that movie was totally worth jln jauh2 ke Star n our RM10..seriously.

Then, we walked all the way to Parkson nak beli cake from Crown Plaza. We did and we ate it there. We spend our time talking n eating (walaupun xabis, sbb kenyang glk) our chocolate cake for abt an hour, we waited outside to be picked up by our mom. While waiting outside, we fantasized ourselves as these fabulous looking girls with big sunglasses, high heels or boots, skirt n amazing outfits, sampe bkn 2 3 kreta jak horn, tp semua kreta hon n smpe accident kreta tgk...hahaha...stupid but delicious fantasy. Then my mom picked me up and the day's over.
* * *
Eeeekkk...not yet. The day isn't over yet, at least, for me. Me & my familia went to my aunty's house because we have this Private family Fardhu Ain thing where we upah seorg ustaz utk meningkatkan ilmu ttg Islam. Ceh...hahah..ya juak bhsa. Neway, my mom had bought a blueberry cheesecake from Taka, so after the fardhu ain, we took out the cake and celebrated. I insisted on NOT to blow the candles because I juz dont feel like it. Mak sy mdh, org dah 18 thn, xmok jd miak kecik gk. Ya xmok tiup lilin. I know it's a joke, but I dont care. Sy juz xmok ada lubang ats cake ya sbb sy nk gmbr puas2 dgn kek ya. and the lubang lilin ya n chya dr lilin ya will juz ruin the effect of my 'project'. gagagahahaha...Anyway, we all ate the cheesecake...and it tasted like ass. I'm kidding. I just dont like sponge cake, hate it even. So the cheesecake felt nothing to my tongue n I only like the cheese toppings n the strawberry! wee~ But anyhow, Im grateful abt it.

* * *

The third series was when I went out with Raty, Bai and her bf, Iman. Mula2, Bai picked me n Raty up at my house n we all went to SP utk jumpa Iman. Dah sampe cia tek, 3 3 xtauk cne nk mkn. Nk mkn kat TJ sy dah bena2 jaded kat mknn kat sia. Bkn sick n tired agk, jaded juak. haha. So bila Iman dah sampe tek(tanpa mdh hi pun kat sy, since mek 2 cazen, but Im okay with that since mekorg bknnya ada klaka pun lmk tok. The last time I talked to him was...wait, when? Oh ya, abt TEN years ago. There u go.), we all decided to go to Spring instead, n ambk taxi. Mek 2 Raty sbnrnya kira nk ngenjen Iman since semua bf bai dah di selak bah...haha...kini tiba msanya Iman. huahuahua. But now Im not sure since nya tang xmok lyn mekorg glk n malu2 juak. (Bai, mun awk mok tauk apa di bisik mekorg ya, psl benda tok la. Jgn mns wo, haha)

So we took the ride to Spring & mek 3 girls conquer the bisingness. Dak alah2 tetak jak2...Bila dah smpe tek, Iman nk jln sorg2 jap, so we all berpecah. Dah tiba msanya, mekorg jumpa gk, n mkn di Kenny Rogers. There, mekorg mula buat keja n klaka benda gila2. Biasa la, bkn xtauk olah mekorg. Kejap rsa, Iman join in the laughter. So we're all good then, xda awkwardness or shyness or diam2 jak. And nya pun mula ok ngn sy, coz sy igt tek nya nk hiraukan sy all the time bcoz of the awkwardness, tp x. He's cool, we're cool, in this unspoken kinda thing, u noe. So, we ate n my food was fabulous. I love the chicken. But I extra loving it since Bai yg byr. Hahaha, bday treat bah. Kali nangga bill semuanya RM105 ++. Gila la...hahah...nsb bai klua duit 150 n raty n iman ada tmbh duit lam bill ya.hahaha...

*Muffin2 yg keras ttp sedaaap. Nyum!*

*Mknn Raty ini..hehe..tauk bah mek*

*Nak buat terberong muka..haha*

Then we jln2 around spring, n dlm keja boring2, mek 2 Raty senyap2 tgglkan Bai n Iman sorg dlm kede kasut. Sbb nya 2 mala jak ikut burit mek 2! Hahaha..mcm xtauk arah haluan eh, mok ikut mek 2 jak. So mekorg diam2 kuar kede ya, n lari. Bila bertemu agk tek, eksen gk x tgk sma drik. Ceh..haha... Tp dtg juak cdak ya ngn mekorg. Dah mula jln gk tek, msh juak nya 2 ikut mek 2 Raty. Hahaha...Syidah, kira kes Hani n Syahmi kat KLCC dolok la ya, mala jak ikut kta 2. Hahaha...Then bla stop by kat FOS (new word for it: Full Of Shit. True bah), mekorg bincang nk blt kol 6. Tp jam brk kol 3. Xkan nk spend a few hours xda pa2 kat spring. So mekorg decided nk blt gk ke parkson pake taxi (sy offer byr n blnja raty wyg, n cant help thinking, abis la duit bday aku! haha) n tgk wyg cia. I called Star n riverside. Yg best ada Hulk, happening, kungfu panda kat star n made of honor n kunfu panda kt riverside. So we set on made of honor. Dlm taxi tek, mekorg xsangka dpt taxi driver yg gila. Nya cakapcakapcakapcakap x henti2 dlm taxi smpe mekorg sakit ati dgr. I almost wanted to throw myself out of the taxi on the streets. seriously. Nya merepak jak. Dr crita Iman x pake tali keledar n msk jail ke kampung melayu, ke kampung cina, ke etika2 driving...cilaka bena org tua ya. hahah...Yg si Iman ddk dpn pksa jak melayannya. Mekorg tetak bkn krna crita driver ya, krna kesian tgk muka Iman rupa terpaksa jwb drver ya. Hahaha...Dah smpe tek, mekorg tetak leput2 psl driver ya all the way to the top floor to wyg. Gila we bought our tiket utk 4pm Made of Honor. Mek 2 Raty ahirnya berjy ngenjen Iman air pke bwk msk movie. Nya belanja semua...haha. Since sy seringgit tggl, sy xkisah. ntah ya kira ngenjen ka x sbb Iman dlk offer bli air. Mekorg tek "ok2!" n kira nk ngenjen popcorn skali tp xjd. hehe.. We watched the movie n it was okay. Ada la lwk skit2. To sy keboringan skit, hehe. Walaupun boring, sy tetap tumpukan perhatian. x cam Iman. Tertido...yaahh..teruk gik.hahah... Then dah pkl 6, mekorg nk balit. Mak sy tiba2 call mdh nk ambk ka x. Sy terfikir psl nk blt rmh cpat, tp x terpikir psl a few factors yg kaktok sy mdh. So sy srh jak mak sy ambk n I immediately regreted it. Coz 1) This is our last perjumpaan sblm sy pg KL. And of coz I wanna spent the last few mins dgn Bai n Raty. 2) Mak sy nk ambk adik sy kat skool sblm anta pulang, so hasrat nk smpe rmh awl xkan tercapai neway. Gik pun mun balit ngn Bai, cdak anta sy juak dlk since rmh mek 3 (sy, Raty n Iman) kat matang suma n rmh sy plg awl smpe bah. Cisss...So bila cdak balit dlk dr sy tek, sdeh la juak sy. Bye2 guys!

*Dalam Full Of Shit...FOS*

*Sy tyk ah, knk lelaki xpande gambr? Dlm kes tok, xpande pengang gmbr. Sy alu xmsk! Tp gmbr tok cam sy x gmbr lgsg, ya kck.**Kesian biak blkg ya...haha*

* * *

The fourth celebration happens just after mek 4 klua. Me n my fam decided to go on klua mkn tanpa bpk sy since nya mdh msh xpat pulang kch. Sibuk kat KL. So he will see us when we get to KL n pg sma kat melaka klk. And this is one of the factor mekorg nk pindah KL. Sbb bpk sy keja kat cnun n tgk, nya mula pg KL msa pg ngn mak sy dlk. About 2 months? Yep, I think. So the rest of my fam mkn kat Boyan n I guess that was all. Xda special. Juz a special night out for my bday. And Im really grateful for all of it! Wee~ Im so lucky to have all these people I love around me...hehe.

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