Thursday, June 26, 2008 I come!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
kepada kwn2 yg ku rindui..ciss..aku ng gai!haha
malin: bday ktk ari ya bess!!nang bbaloi lh duit tk abs reya..mena bh..haha..cyk x mk bok tauk yg iman x comfortable ngn kta first2..bok x gago glak ngn nya x ngga nya lm moto ngn bang sopan lh..pulang ke kmk gk kia kaong lm moto ya..haha..neway,lm keta ya mk duak bai eran bh knk tk x ekot skali..pulang mke jeraya yg sma bh..gk pun bla gk kta nak nait cgek keta cmya ngn bai..nggu bln 8 lmk pg rumah ktk maybe ari slasa or rabu..n mk akan tlng ktk pack brng..yeay!!dpt skodeng skali pa d beli ktk..haha..buku crita lbd ya ok kh?ska jak nyk..hehe..jeles eh..suma gmbr dh ktk ngkah..kmk lu xtauk nak ngkah gmbr pa tok..lets make a deal..since hani ngn syidah dh cta psl orientation nya orng..wy dont aftr orientation ya kta tulis psl bnda ya juak..jgn lupak ngkah gmbr ah..haha
syidah: ko bly lak ta mkn rah kenny rogers ah..boh bngong..sal ko sdia duit byk2 jak..haha..x tgoda ko ngga makanan aku ya?haha..minyak nait kenny rogers nait jwak..cibeng ngam2 lh duit aku abs reya..s ya ko x pnh tego kh?since nya dh ngga2 kau ya pa gk..eksen melantak kh..tgugok buku kh(idea kta time form4 reya malin eyh..haha) slh..kau tok eh..blt awl da jak..mun x pat kua sma tek..msti ko rndu ngn kch eventhough kch tetap gai spt biasa..tol x? ada bank ndah ko kat jd bank bgerak lh kwn ko xpat save duit kat cnun kh?tkt jwak ku nenga cta ko ndak alah2 pokai tok..lm gmbr ya kau ng kdk professor lh..doc amatullah bess eyh..haha..aku xpat ngkah gmbr agk..suma dh d ngkah malin..waa!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
tok time mek org ada jungle tracking.. bessssss!!!!!! faci semua bait2..ada nok sorg ya, time mek org limpas, nya tanyak oeg mana? jawablah swak, mek org tiga org time ya, nya nya madah "patutlah cun2, org swak! " swak nang kacak biasalah...hahaha...
Hani! Syidah! Raty!
HANI!!! Best nya blog awk!!! ktwa x henti2....awk ni..mkn tajam mulut ngumpat org eh? And ptt la msa awk call sy aritu bunyi ayam nk kena sembelih tau! "Malinhepibirthday!Nantihadiahbagiharirayelaye!happy2birthday!" Hah...camtu la kepoh awk...hahahaha...And sy perasan la kan... sejak awk stay kat semenanjung kan, ayt2 awk sungguh la pure semenanjung smpai ade 2 or 3 ayt tu kte x phm sgt...hahaha...serius! xpe la...kte phm jgk la story awk tu...huhu...Eyh, yg si hafiz tu kan...die yg sama bday dgn kte kan? kan? kan? Ucap hepi belated bday kt die ye...hahaha....mentang2 sma bah...oyeah, alamat ble nk bg? I need it b4 ur bday..huhu..surprise2...xbleh ckp. Cantek r view dr balcony awk i really cant wait 2 go to my own dorm n capture a picture from my own balcony..wahahah...asl jgn pemandangan hutan, dah la...klau camtu, silap aribulan, tertgkap benda yg x sepatutnya, x kire paranormal mahupun normal (paranormal: hantu setan. normal: setan yg tgh buat projek).
SYIDAH!!! Apakah aktiviti mu skrg ini? Sy keboringan, menunggu saat utk terbang ke KL...oits, hrp2 jumpa steward hot2...hahah..mun ada jumpa steward hot kta ya klk sy mdh...Oh yeah, Im sending ur package dlm sbtu - selasa tunggu jak ya...Mun dh dpt klk, cek kan. sy sertakan 4 or more DVD dlm ya. Ada yg sy burn drikpun....mun jd pun burn. sy pun xtauk dpt x burn. sbnrnya lom burn gk..haha...pasya ada surat n gmbr2 kta..ok? Anyway, guess what? I already received my gift from Galaxie magazine!! Yg psl surat sy dpt feature dlm mag ya eh...I noe it took so long...they said cuz nyaorg blom terima gik hadiah yg disponsor ya dr tukang sponsor iaitu Altec Lansing. Now, I have it by my side n it's gorgeous n bla di psg ke laptop (galaxie tang tauk2 jak sy perlu speaker coz sound laptop sy teruk), bunyi nya 360 degree n fuh! FULL BLAST! I LOVE IT!!!
RATY!!! Kmk tauk ktk xpat pg sma anta kmk ke bla tek ktk nk dtg agik 4 d last time? Ktk dtg umah mek nk? Kta tgk last episode of My Girl sma2! Weee...hehe... Ish, hensem GILA la laki nmanya? yg Gong Chan ya eh..grrr...lwk da nya...kmk skrg tok di episode 12...xlmk gk abis...hehe...see u soon girl! And maybe u can help me with the packing. Agak ari rabu gak..hehe..sbb ari khamis ptg dah nk berangkat...God, Im gonna miss u guys so much...
My Birthday series 1 and 2
* * *
The third series was when I went out with Raty, Bai and her bf, Iman. Mula2, Bai picked me n Raty up at my house n we all went to SP utk jumpa Iman. Dah sampe cia tek, 3 3 xtauk cne nk mkn. Nk mkn kat TJ sy dah bena2 jaded kat mknn kat sia. Bkn sick n tired agk, jaded juak. haha. So bila Iman dah sampe tek(tanpa mdh hi pun kat sy, since mek 2 cazen, but Im okay with that since mekorg bknnya ada klaka pun lmk tok. The last time I talked to him was...wait, when? Oh ya, abt TEN years ago. There u go.), we all decided to go to Spring instead, n ambk taxi. Mek 2 Raty sbnrnya kira nk ngenjen Iman since semua bf bai dah di selak bah...haha...kini tiba msanya Iman. huahuahua. But now Im not sure since nya tang xmok lyn mekorg glk n malu2 juak. (Bai, mun awk mok tauk apa di bisik mekorg ya, psl benda tok la. Jgn mns wo, haha)
So we took the ride to Spring & mek 3 girls conquer the bisingness. Dak alah2 tetak jak2...Bila dah smpe tek, Iman nk jln sorg2 jap, so we all berpecah. Dah tiba msanya, mekorg jumpa gk, n mkn di Kenny Rogers. There, mekorg mula buat keja n klaka benda gila2. Biasa la, bkn xtauk olah mekorg. Kejap rsa, Iman join in the laughter. So we're all good then, xda awkwardness or shyness or diam2 jak. And nya pun mula ok ngn sy, coz sy igt tek nya nk hiraukan sy all the time bcoz of the awkwardness, tp x. He's cool, we're cool, in this unspoken kinda thing, u noe. So, we ate n my food was fabulous. I love the chicken. But I extra loving it since Bai yg byr. Hahaha, bday treat bah. Kali nangga bill semuanya RM105 ++. Gila la...hahah...nsb bai klua duit 150 n raty n iman ada tmbh duit lam bill ya.hahaha...
*Muffin2 yg keras ttp sedaaap. Nyum!*
*Mknn Raty ini..hehe..tauk bah mek*
*Nak buat terberong muka..haha*
Then we jln2 around spring, n dlm keja boring2, mek 2 Raty senyap2 tgglkan Bai n Iman sorg dlm kede kasut. Sbb nya 2 mala jak ikut burit mek 2! Hahaha..mcm xtauk arah haluan eh, mok ikut mek 2 jak. So mekorg diam2 kuar kede ya, n lari. Bila bertemu agk tek, eksen gk x tgk sma drik. Ceh..haha... Tp dtg juak cdak ya ngn mekorg. Dah mula jln gk tek, msh juak nya 2 ikut mek 2 Raty. Hahaha...Syidah, kira kes Hani n Syahmi kat KLCC dolok la ya, mala jak ikut kta 2. Hahaha...Then bla stop by kat FOS (new word for it: Full Of Shit. True bah), mekorg bincang nk blt kol 6. Tp jam brk kol 3. Xkan nk spend a few hours xda pa2 kat spring. So mekorg decided nk blt gk ke parkson pake taxi (sy offer byr n blnja raty wyg, n cant help thinking, abis la duit bday aku! haha) n tgk wyg cia. I called Star n riverside. Yg best ada Hulk, happening, kungfu panda kat star n made of honor n kunfu panda kt riverside. So we set on made of honor. Dlm taxi tek, mekorg xsangka dpt taxi driver yg gila. Nya cakapcakapcakapcakap x henti2 dlm taxi smpe mekorg sakit ati dgr. I almost wanted to throw myself out of the taxi on the streets. seriously. Nya merepak jak. Dr crita Iman x pake tali keledar n msk jail ke kampung melayu, ke kampung cina, ke etika2 driving...cilaka bena org tua ya. hahah...Yg si Iman ddk dpn pksa jak melayannya. Mekorg tetak bkn krna crita driver ya, krna kesian tgk muka Iman rupa terpaksa jwb drver ya. Hahaha...Dah smpe tek, mekorg tetak leput2 psl driver ya all the way to the top floor to wyg. Gila we bought our tiket utk 4pm Made of Honor. Mek 2 Raty ahirnya berjy ngenjen Iman air pke bwk msk movie. Nya belanja semua...haha. Since sy seringgit tggl, sy xkisah. ntah ya kira ngenjen ka x sbb Iman dlk offer bli air. Mekorg tek "ok2!" n kira nk ngenjen popcorn skali tp xjd. hehe.. We watched the movie n it was okay. Ada la lwk skit2. To sy keboringan skit, hehe. Walaupun boring, sy tetap tumpukan perhatian. x cam Iman. Tertido...yaahh..teruk gik.hahah... Then dah pkl 6, mekorg nk balit. Mak sy tiba2 call mdh nk ambk ka x. Sy terfikir psl nk blt rmh cpat, tp x terpikir psl a few factors yg kaktok sy mdh. So sy srh jak mak sy ambk n I immediately regreted it. Coz 1) This is our last perjumpaan sblm sy pg KL. And of coz I wanna spent the last few mins dgn Bai n Raty. 2) Mak sy nk ambk adik sy kat skool sblm anta pulang, so hasrat nk smpe rmh awl xkan tercapai neway. Gik pun mun balit ngn Bai, cdak anta sy juak dlk since rmh mek 3 (sy, Raty n Iman) kat matang suma n rmh sy plg awl smpe bah. Cisss...So bila cdak balit dlk dr sy tek, sdeh la juak sy. Bye2 guys!
*Dalam Full Of Shit...FOS*
*Sy tyk ah, knk lelaki xpande gambr? Dlm kes tok, xpande pengang gmbr. Sy alu xmsk! Tp gmbr tok cam sy x gmbr lgsg, ya kck.**Kesian biak blkg ya...haha*
* * *
The fourth celebration happens just after mek 4 klua. Me n my fam decided to go on klua mkn tanpa bpk sy since nya mdh msh xpat pulang kch. Sibuk kat KL. So he will see us when we get to KL n pg sma kat melaka klk. And this is one of the factor mekorg nk pindah KL. Sbb bpk sy keja kat cnun n tgk, nya mula pg KL msa pg ngn mak sy dlk. About 2 months? Yep, I think. So the rest of my fam mkn kat Boyan n I guess that was all. Xda special. Juz a special night out for my bday. And Im really grateful for all of it! Wee~ Im so lucky to have all these people I love around me...hehe.
Friday, June 20, 2008
ZOOM IN!!! hani is back,baby ;)
classmate jgak,teka katmane?>? ghehehehe.kat lab bio.yg kanan skali tu! hensem gler babi sial.mcm ashraf sinclair,name dia hafiz.dia pdt (program dua tahun).diss yer 19.hah! raty,awk xley amek,tu kte pnya :P.kte blk kl naik bas dgn dia la,duduk sbelah2 babe! perrggghh~~ xley tdo the whole journey,beborak jerr..sirius bessss glerr borak dgn dia,tu la suka senyum,haaa~ cair mair seh.tdo mesti akan termimpi2.hehehehehee :DDDDD + kte blk skali dgn arip.arip tu antara admirer kte yg 5 org tuh.jeles menonggeng dia.explain selanjutnya,di bwh huhuhuhu
Monday, June 16, 2008
Another updates, yo!
Sy tulis tok dolok, klk sy crita dgn teliti gik psl birthday sy, although xtauk jadi ka x nk celebrate. Maybe mek 2 Raty akn pergi sendrik kali, tanpa Bai, since Bai mdh nya xpat, tunda ari khamis. Ari khamis pun family sy ajak keluar mkn, celebrate bday sy..tunda juak. Coz nk tunggu bpk sy pulang dr KL bah...Neway, Syidah ada la sy dgr psl 'ahem2' awk ya yg tiba2 klua...Despite all the craziness, sakit perut n lack of concentration in kuliah, may I say Congratulation on being kembali subur? muahahahahaha...joking jak least that's good news yg benda ya finally klua nk? tang pelik jak bah dah lmk benda ya x kua. Tp another thing la...pelik juak, bla dah klua, klua byk2 skali..Eyh, mun nya start gik xda klua for a long months, I suggest you should really, really need to see a doctor. And adanak awk mdh ngn sy, igt x msa kta 2 sma2 x hadir skolah seminggu ya eh? I MISS THAT PART!!! Walaupun kta x jumpa sma drik...hehe..juz best jak bah, figuring everyone nganok kta dah plan awl2 xmok gi skolah, walaupun coincidence...haha...lawak da jak..rindunya part kta skolah tok eh..aaahhhh!
Ok, ciao, girls!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
xtauk mok ngkah tajuk pa.pnde2 tk orng lh.haha
syidah:syidah,sy rindu kamu!lejuk dh ko nenga aku mdh bnda tok jak2.haha.oi,aku sa ko msti x mke cermin mata ngga gmbr nak d edit aku ya.mpuan nak tgh ya lh plng kck.nak nama rathy ya eh.hahaha.aku da search psl uitm mukah reya.nya mdh uitm mukah is located right in d middle
of d town.lbh kurang jan ngn uitm smrhn.xcept dat mk orng boleh BALIT tiap2 mggu.wateverlh ngn si S ya.xkan lh dlm tutorial tk orng xda sorng pun yg kck??msti ada nak?aku pun S gai.cibai da jak.haha.mak kau ng concer lh hal aku.kali nya nak ngirum makanan k aku juak rah uitm nun.haha.mun mena bgs lh.haha.JK.bday dis year smbt ngn bhri jak!!tulah juak eh.coba ko blit raya tok.nak pat clbr8 sma eventhough tpaksa postpone p x kesah lh.cyk x aku clbr8 bday dis yr mkn maggi hot cup,byk cdak st.3 nak u noe who ya msok uitm.msti sa plek lak.nya orng pun msti ngga aku smcm.huhu.woi,cmne nak ngembak ko round?xda keta oi.aku jln ngn hani lok ah.ko blt ahe bh.hehe.d nxt week ya bok aku jln ngn kau.tpaksa blt dorm bh.yalh kau.AWAL glak blt.haha.lupak mdh,kn aku sorng jak byr mun bsewa keta ndah ah.kau byr jwak.boh naj ngada2.ok2.i need to stop now.aku dh xtauk pa d krepak aku tok.ok2.bye.have fun blaja rah d coolest hell ya.haha! =p
i'm lonely :(
raty!!:hey babe! i love ur editing!! chantek banget!hehehe...4 sure syidah ling kacak lam ya..tankiu2!nasib ko x gi mukah tek owhh..mun x..nang leput2 ku tetak..hahaha...serious, guro jak tok, aku pdh ngan rummate ku.. "mun sy pg mukah awk kesian x?" ya nya mdh, aie, bukan cya xda papakah?? kesianlah..haha...kelak ku madah ngan abg ku, k...wey ari ya mak aku call..the first thing yang nya tanyak, raty dpt cney? xguna mena..hahah...igt tek nk tanyak how am i doing here..kau ditanyak nya..hahha...aiee, aku rindu ngan tak org, nobody here is as nice or as sucker as u guys!! hahahaha...kidding, NOT! kau mesti mbak aku round2 mun aku balit, x lalek!haha.. kreta sapa ko pake, brapa ko byr aku x duli..wakakaka... guro jak..bye!!!!
ok for those yg x tulis papa, sy malas nk tulis kt tak org, sbb sy xda masa...mahal ctok bh...mun tak org tulis bok sy tulis...kk!!! bye...muahxx!!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
For My Six and Only Friends...(biasanya one n only)
First, Syidah: Hye, yo! I'd say, juz go on with that S, although u dont really like his attitude. He might have a bad day that day. Dont judge someone by one thing they do. Huhuhu, juz saying. Anyway, Ambition BLOM ADA! Ngeng mena. I mean, kat US dah sebulan lbeh (I think) dah kuar. Grrrr...Msia lembab! hahah. U noe what, I'm going 2 send that book when it come out along with my reply letter of yours. Although I still didnt get it yet. Are you sure you're mailing it to the right address? hehe...Thought I should check my mailbox tomorow. And one thing, DONT FORGET MY BIRTHDAY!!! It's on 17th June, in case you're forgotten. Hahah. U wanna give me anything, girl? huahuahua...Maybe a pair of Chanel boots. Or a box of expensive chocolates...? Hahah, kidding. I was thinking abt bday present at 1 point...n I was thinking, 4 ur bday n all of your bday (yes, I'm talking abt you, Raty, Hani, Bai, Intan...n maybe Shah too, mybe 4 next yr), I'm gonna spend what's left of my RM3000 account 4 a special present 4 u guys. Cuz I cant be with u guys, might as well that something is special. Heheh...If it's not what u're expecting, then sorry. I donno why I tell u guys this but Im juz excited when it comes to giving people gifts. Cuz I love making people surprise n smile...:) Though I cant spend too much of that money...cuz it's 4 college n secretly, I have a wish to make what 2 do with that money... (I know Im a spendthrift, wtvr). There's MTV Asia in Genting Highland this Aug 2, so I think Im gonna use it to buy the ticket n a place 2 stay overnight in Genting...Sssshhhh..dont tell anyone, especially my parents. Hahaha...Im not gonna miss that for the world! I mean, possibly Simple Plan will b there n the host is Jared Leto. N much2 more artist. Tho, if there's no SP, then Im gonna think twice abt going. Hahah...Ok, enough. Move on.
Raty: YAY! You're going 2 Uitm!!! Hip hip hooray! Since u're still staying in Kch, tell me abt kch every month, ok? Cuz I bet Im gonna miss the place, walaupun penuh dgn laki2 yg x worth utk tgk pun or lbeh sesuai utk muntah (kidding), n oso penuh dgn tourist2 yg kureng kck. I mean, adakah org putih kck/teens xmok menjejakkan kaki kat kch? haha...well, at least cdak australia rya ada pg. N did u notice kta klua dlk dgn Ellen, ada laki omputih with bleach blond hair, teen, looks cute?? huhu...pa2 lah cia. Anyway, plan bday kmk tok cmne? kira, if Iman ada keta, kta pg beach. If xda, kta mkn jak la nk, cam besa? Tp mkn cne? Bgs kta mkn kt spring jak owh? Dpt jln2 juak. Xpa, mun ktk x ckp duit, mek bleh blnja. After all, its my day. But jgn hrp mek nk byr suma! Mek dh lejuk jd org tukang byr msa bday...hahaha..ceh, mka skali jak knk. Ktkorg yg ptt byr k kmk! hahah...Oh, neway, Good luck oi, 4 ur 'Pra-sains'...haha..jgn tdo lam kuliah...sains itu penting, ktk bleh jd saintis or something. Hahahahaha.... Oh, abt that Wed, hahaha...kta alu xjd tgk cta melayu! huhuhu....
Hani: Allloooo syg! I missed u so much! Tgk gmbr awk tersenyum membawa memori indah di lubuk otak ku...haha...x romantik kali bunyi. Hey, how's Johor? Ni mesti salu escape ke KL msa cuti nih! Haaa...How's ur study? Btul nk jd doctor ni? Bgs, dpt sy ada discount mun sakit klk. Bukak klinik drik pun, k hani?KLINIK DR. HANISAH....Auwwww...nice! Im gonna be regular customer. N dpt mntk MC slalu sak dpt escape keja...hahaha...Oyeah, study hard, there Hani! Im not gonna say dont study hard, study smart, cuz u have 2 study hard...btol x? ehehe...dah ada boyfren lom, oi? Dgr byk peminat...lain kali buat fan club, dpt tanggung sume tu..haha..Klk sy jd setiausaha..ok, dah lah, meracau dah sy tok. Oyeah, JGN LUPE I PUNYE BDAY! HAHAHAHA...Gila sy tok.
Intan: If Im not mistaken, u're going 2 daftar to UIA on 10th June, right? Soooo...cpt2 crk internet facility cia, misalnya student lounge ka apa ka, dpt awk tgk blog tok! Hahaha...Good luck on ur way 2 be the best accountant, Intan. I wish I cud hug u in airport on 30th may xpat, sy di KL, tgh memasang laser eyes on every cute guys to bother too much of the world. Hahaha...Hey, we're gonna see each other soon, I promise. U blk raya x? I mean, ke kch? Oya! Melaka dgn Nilai dkt jak, deng. Cazen sy mdh sy pelu ambk bas ke town melaka n from there ambk ke nilai if nk pg KL. Either way, sy limpas nilai juak, nk? So dpt jumpa!!! Yay! Hopefully. Dpt kta kuar sma2, bli kain langsir, kain baju raya, carpet, pke anta ngn family bah.hahah...xpa once in awhile jd org tua kjp. Oyeah, Jgn lupa bgtau mekorg if dah ada berpunya, okeh? N jgn lupak bday sy!!! hahaha..seriously, sy bena2 gila.
Bai: Ne tuju awk ne? Keja...busy..keja...busy...keja...Walaupun sy tauk there's a very small chance 4 u to open this up, but I hope u'll find a college 2 further ur study. I miss ur face, I miss ur laughter, I miss ur craziness, I miss ur friendship with me. Hehe. Jgn bgk alasan utk klua msa bday sy, ok? (Tgk, ada gik ckp psl bday) Bcuz the best gift I cud have is to be with u guys for the last time b4 going 2 college. Oh, btw, kta ngaco or ngenjen grek awk ya mok? I know a few things only me knows..huahuahua...altho skrg tok sy kind of lupak apa benda ya. eh, jap, apa ah?..hahah..seriously, sy x tauk pa jd ngn frenship mek 2. Biar lah. Nya xmok tegur sy. hahah...btw, again, awk tauk x abg nya hensem? Kdk omputih, dow, bangga sy jd cazennya...haha. atleast, that's d last thing I remember abt his face. Mybe now he change? I dunno, ne tauk nya berjemur alu itam..hahah...iboh pdh Iman...mati sy klk disakat bpknya. Bpknya suka nyakat sy. cilaken...haha...
Shahida: Tok sorg gik. xda bunyi juak. Mun kta x molah bunyi kat nya, xda nya molah bunyi juak. I know never in amillion years will u open this up, but hey, who noes? Tp, gne la nya tauk psl blog tok, oh, mun sy xbgk tauk nya? bahalul juak sy tok. haha..Neway, gne rsa idup jd kanak2 skolah lgk, shah? especially now surrounded by guys, cuz well, dah 5 thn awk biasa ddk around girls ajk, mesti weird ddk around guys now, eh? I bet pljrnnya akn menyakitkan palak, x terkecuali hati dan mata juga, rite? hehe..Shahida, I miss u!!! Wei, bday sy! 2 ari lps fathers day. Sy dh bgk 'rose' utk awk melalui sms 4 ur bday...bgk sy bunga matahari ka...bunga taik aym ka, bunga reflessia ka.hahha.. Awk empun mdh srh sy bkk kede bunga. Well, Sy dah bukak! Tp lam dunia bernama mimpi. Hahaha...
Ahhh...well, Sy rindu ckp crap mcm di atas...haha..lmk dah x ckp rubbish ngn takorg. Sy ckp pelik2 maybe sbb sy ngantok kali...papa lah cia. Ok, I'm, jap. Of coz takorg mok tauk what's goin down with me rite now rite? Well, ok. Sy skrg, tgh buat NOTHING n tgh mencukupkan brg utk bwk ke kolej. Yep, I cant wait 2 go to college n start studying something I like, not by force, but to my likings. Skrg tok tgh crk cara utk tgk Gossip Girl, juak. My cazen dpt download, tp brg2 ya semua dlm laptop bpknya yg salu di bwk ke office. Gimana deh? hahha...And, apa gik hah? I got nothing to tell. Just that I'm missing u guys like hell! Huahuahua...Im gonna turn 18 a few more weeks n I felt nothing like 18. Ok, maybe I did a lil, but wtvr. I dunno what's the difference between 17 n 18. Ok, sy dah merepak. Oh ya, I have 1 more news. My mom did hantar my novel to mph, rite? And after abt a month (I think) they send an email 2 my mom, politely saying, they have couldn't publish it cuz its not up to their standard, or sumthing like that. Surprisingly, I felt relieved. I dunno why. Maybe bcuz teh idea of seeing my rubbish novel being publish makes me sick. I noe2, b4 I was excited bcuz my mom was excited, n u guys were excited too, so I was excited too. Hahah. From the start lgk, I really think that publishing my work is a bad idea. But my mom think it's a waste that it stayed in my computer n not being read. I just followed what she said. I didn't want to do anything to my work cuz it's kind of a...guilty pleasure for me. If that's what it is, anyway. I only write to put out my ideas on a paper, sak x crammed dlm palak bah. Hahaha..oklah, dah la gik, bye!
Missing you guys,
Sunday, June 1, 2008
aku pun xtauk nak ngkah tajuk apa.haha
hurmm....x tauk mok ngkah tajuk pa..
mok balit..aok owh, aku manas ngan sapa bh?hahahaha.... aku rasa tok kan blogging gk tok, tok dh berchatting kta..haha..wey, raty, jgn lupak tgk gossip girl, malin too!!mun dpt, tgk u tube..wakakaka.....tgk last episode, the best season finale dh tgk dh...blair as usual, the bitchiest bitch..haha..ok dh enough with gg, how's life kat cnun??? tel me!! i need to know bout ur life! bes kah x? happy kah sdeyh? kt ctok ok jak, hanieyyy! blogging gk awk..lamak xdgr crita..dh call org kol 2 pagi, molah add maths ah..haha...aku tek bodo juak, "awk smyg subuhkah??""" hahahahahhahaa.....kol 2 pagi smyg subuh..haha....xpa hani, demi 4 pointer hani!!berjuang mati2an!!! sy sokong awk, sy dh boring g uk jak2! haha...aie, xsbr mok balit august eyh!! mok kuar jalan2 ngan tak org..waaaa.....tak org rindu sy x??hehehehe... mestilah nak owhh...hahahahahahahhahahaa.....jk..
kk, chow~
most lovable,
syidah! :)